Very First Post – Home Earning Strategies

Welcome to my Home Earning Strategies blog. My name is Abby and I have been home earning off and on for at least 3 years now. In the beginning, I was just looking for ways to earn a little extra money and researched ways online. I couldn’t believe how many opportunities there are. I am now focused on really building up a consistent strategy to earn from home so that I can become a stay at home mom and take care of my family. My goal for this blog is to set goals to keep me accountable and share my strategies and exact process with others so you can do the same.

Right now, I work full-time and so does my husband. We don’t have any children yet but will start trying this year. My hope is to start this blog and really building my home earning strategies so that by the time a baby arrives and it’s time to go back to work after maternity leave, I can stay at home and just rely on my husband’s salary and my home earning strategies.

Fingers crossed! I look forward to sharing this home earning journey with you so that you too can earn extra money as well. Post comments, share your feedback and ideas. Let’s do this together.

Thanks Future Home Earners!


What is Home Earning?

I classify home earning as doing things from the comfort of your home that earn or significantly save you money or other forms of currency that are useful (like gift cards).

My home earning strategies consist of:

Extreme Couponing
Rewards Sites – Like Swagbucks, Inbox Dollars, Send Earnings, Hulk Coins, Fusion Cash, etc
Metal Recycling
Peer to Peer Lending
Goals for this Blog:

Earn $2,500 across all home earning strategies between September 2014 and December 2014

Track my progress toward my goal

Explain exactly what I do with my home earning so that you can replicate it

Investigate and review new home earning strategies

Ideas for Future Posts:

Review of each home earning strategy I use and my results

Investigate new ways to make money online and review them

If you have an idea on something you want to hear, let me know.

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