Great HES – StoreHours24

Another really great HES that I have been using a lot and only found recently (August 2014) is StoreHours24

The basic idea is that this company is looking to create the largest database of store hours for you to be able to search and see what is open near you, etc.

They are paying people 5 cents for every entry that you submit.

That doesn’t sound like a lot, but it adds up and is super easy to do hundreds while you watch TV.

I have earned over $50 so far and I haven’t really even dug in yet, I basically been just testing it out.

The payments come regularly, their contact support is very responsive and it’s super easy to earn money and receive payments via Pay Pal.

Here are the payment I have received so far:

8/6/14                   $6.45

8/6/14                   $7.80

8/6/14                   $20.75

8/6/14                   $7.00

9/23/14                $13.95   Requested – Pending

What you should to right now to start earning:

Go to StoreHours24

Sign Up –super quick and easy

Think of some stores nearby to you, and get their Name, Address, Phone and Hours

Click Enter Hours

Fill in the fields (I will post a step by step in the future)

Check for Duplicates (they may already have this store, don’t get discouraged, try another)


You can check your pending entries under Control Panel

It takes about a day for them to approve your entries

Once you have a couple of dollars, go to Control Panel and Request Payout (you need a PayPal account).

It takes about 3 days for them to deposit into PayPal.

Thanks Future Home Earners!


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