Some of My Favorite Couponing Websites

Sometimes saving money is just as good as earning money and one of my most fun HES’s is extreme couponing. Yes, I am that girl!  I LOVE couponing.  It’s my own personal game that I play each week and I want to WIN by keeping as much money in my bank account as possible, while stocking up my family with everything we need (and sometimes just plain old want).

There are a ton of great couponing websites that I use and I definitely want to share them with you.

I will certainly continue to talk about ways to save with couponing on HES but I won’t give detailed coupon deals like these sites so I encourage you to check them out. I frequent all of them on a regular basis.

Home Earning Strategies (HES) Favorite Couponing Websites:

I’ll post more in the future, but these are my go to sites for sure!!!

Thanks Future Home Earners!


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