I can’t believe I didn’t know this about Gift Hulk

gift hulk

So I logged in to Gift Hulk today and as I typically do, I went along and did a few searches and got some Hulk Coins, then I did the Guess the Card game, which I LOVE, and won some Hulk Coins.  This time I also won a 15% Boost for 12 hours.  I have gotten these before and never thought much about it.  I always assumed that I had earned some extra Hulk Coins with the Boost.  So for kicks and giggles I decided to check my Hulk Coins credit history to see how many extra Hulk Coins I have been earning this way and saw that under each Boost I had earned, ZERO Hulk Coins were earned.  What the !!!!! So now I am upset.  Then I decide to read the FAQs about Boosts just to see if I understood them correctly, well, of course, I didn’t.  I thought you earned Boosts on anything under the Earn tab but nope only certain types of earning categories such as Offer Walls, Surveys, EZ Coins and Tasks. Now I know. So determined to make the best use of my Boost, I ventured into new territories. I have now fell in love with EZ Coins – they are just that super easy. I can’t believe I didn’t look into this sooner and benefit!!! I clicked on an offer to search for a hotel, so I did and boom earned 140 Hulk Coins immediately and then plus my Boost, I earned 161 Hulk Coins for basically 5 seconds of work. Jackpot! Sign up for your Gift Hulk account here and starting earning big time!

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