I’ve Earned over $100 with Inbox Dollars – Here’s How


I’ve been a member of Inbox Dollars since 2012.  Once I signed up and earned all of the new member bonuses they offered I slowly earned over $100 in 2 years.  I am about to get by 5th payout from Inbox Dollars soon.  It’s not my main earner but I do great little by little.  Here’s my home earning strategy for Inbox Dollars.  I highly recommend giving it a try.

1 – Search – I search everyday using the search tool.  You will get pennies for searches and they add up.  Plus you get a weekly bonus for searching so many days out of the week.   You can earn up to 15 cents per day and then a 10 cent bonus, so it does add up.

2 – Paid Emails – They are awesome and come right to your email or your Inbox Dollars account.  Click that you have read it and you earn 2 cents for each email you read!  Again, they add up!

3 – Coupons – Love this!  So I print out coupons from Inbox Dollars and use them at the grocery store.  I’m a huge couponer so this is great!  When they get processed you get 10 cents for every coupon redeemed.  Savings on your groceries, plus additional cash- double whammy!

4 – Groupon Cash Back – If you are a Grouponer, then this is for you!  Order your Groupons through Inbox Dollars and you will get cash back in your account.  Another double dipper!

5 – Offers  – Offers can earn you big bucks, but you have to follow all the stipulations.  Sometimes I use them for things I was going to order anyway, sometimes I use them if it is free to sign up.  I don’t usually do offers that require a credit card unless I am familiar with the company already.

6 – Surveys – If you have a few minutes here and there, surveys are a great way to earn!  You may not qualify for all of them, but when you do, you can earn big!

Be sure to try out Inbox Dollars today and diversify your home earning strategies!

Thanks and Happy Earning!


Updates for 2015

So if you have read the couple of posts I made in 2014, you will see that I slacked off at the end of the year (with regards to blogging).  I actually have been earning quite a lot online with all of my home earning strategies (HES).  I have even found more apps and websites to add to my arsenal.  As I figure out how to balance blogging, earning with HES and of course my actual job and family, please be patient with me.  I know that I will get better at this.  My whole reason for sharing information on this blog is to show that it is possible to make the transition from full-time working to anytime home earning.  Watch me on twitter @HomeEarnStrats as that is sometimes the easiest way to share my updates.

Here is a list of all the sites/apps that I am working in right now:


Inbox Dollars

Send Earnings

Gift Hulk


My Punch Card



Receipt Hog

Receipt Pal






Checkout 51




Check them out and stay tuned for tutorials and updates on how my HES are going!

Happy Earning!



Gamechanging Home Earning Strategy (HES) Coming Soon!

I have been experimenting with a new app that will earn cash via PayPal. It’s super easy and I have already earned $8 and submitted my request for payment.  They say it takes up to 7 days to process.  I know that I will get an email from PayPal when the money has been deposited, but I keep checking my Paypal just in case.  If this really works and I get the $8 within the 7 days, then watchout, this may be my new favorite HES!

Because I only want to share Real, Honest, Proven Ways to Earn Money from Home, I won’t post a how to or tell you what app it is until I verify EVERYTHING.

Stay tuned!!

Thanks Future Home Earners!


A day in the life of a Swagbucks lover:

A day in the life of a Swagbucks lover:

I have earned hundreds of dollars in cash and gift cards with Swagbucks and right now it is my favorite!

Here’s what I do almost each day:

Swagbucks  Mobile TV

Start my Swagbucks  Mobile TV on my phone and my husband’s phone (we each have an account).  As long as you let this run till the daily limit is reached, then you will have 50 swagbucks per day just from this alone.  You don’t have to even do anything, just have it running while you are getting ready for work, driving, folding laundry, cooking, etc.  Try different channels, they all have great stuff!

Daily Poll

When I get to work, I log in and click on the Daily Poll – 1 swagbuck

Search & Earn

I search the internet a lot for my job. I have to look up different companies and related information.  I use the search feature on Swagbucks instead of google.  Works just the same and every so often I earn Swagbucks  for my searches.  I usually win about 2-3 per day anywhere from 5 Swagbucks  to many more each time.

Special Offers

I check out offers to see if there are any I like – this could earn you mega Swagbucks  if you choose any

Watch TV

I go to the watch section and have more videos playing at my desk – I keep the volume on low so I can hear but coworkers cant or use headphones. I don’t watch it 100% of the time, as I do need to get work done.  But I watch, do something, watch do something, etc… so by the end of the work day I have racked up around another 50 Swagbucks  from just this.  You need to watch 10 videos to earn 3 Swagbucks.

Play Games

On my lunchbreak I sit at my desk and eat and play games. This takes my mind totally off of work and I love it.  My favorite is Majong Dimensions.  I’m obsessed.  You earn Swagbucks every other time you play a game and it doesn’t matter if you win or not (at least on this game).  I am pretty sure you can earn up to 10 Swagbucks from games.


I love printing coupons from swagbucks. Each one you redeem gets you 10 Swagbucks!  For an extreme couponer like me this can really add up.  Just know it takes a long time for you to get the swagbucks credit.

My advice for you to get started:

Just sign up today for Swagbucks

It just takes an email and you are set up in less than 5 minutes.

Answer the daily poll on the left side – BAM 1 swagbuck

Search about something, see if you win

Watch some videos

Just click around and start earning, you’ll be addicted in no time!

Follow their tutorials if you want really in depth information and keep checking back here.

Thanks Future Home Earners!


Some of My Favorite Couponing Websites

Sometimes saving money is just as good as earning money and one of my most fun HES’s is extreme couponing. Yes, I am that girl!  I LOVE couponing.  It’s my own personal game that I play each week and I want to WIN by keeping as much money in my bank account as possible, while stocking up my family with everything we need (and sometimes just plain old want).

There are a ton of great couponing websites that I use and I definitely want to share them with you.

I will certainly continue to talk about ways to save with couponing on HES but I won’t give detailed coupon deals like these sites so I encourage you to check them out. I frequent all of them on a regular basis.

Home Earning Strategies (HES) Favorite Couponing Websites:




I’ll post more in the future, but these are my go to sites for sure!!!

Thanks Future Home Earners!


Home Earning Strategy #1 – Swagbucks

Swagbucks was the first Home Earning Strategy (HES) that I started using, three years ago! I can’t even believe it’s been that long.  I don’t even remember how I heard about Swagbucks.  Now I feel like an expert and I wish I had really gotten this into it from the very beginning.  I have used the Swagbucks site off and on over the past 3 years to earn hundreds of dollars in gift cards and even cash via PayPal.  My husband has an account too and between the 2 of us, I think we have earned over $500 in gift cards and cash.  Not bad for a HES!

So what is Swagbucks?

Swagbucks is a rewards earning site. You can do several tasks on the site and they earn you Swagbucks, a digital currency that you can then cash in for gift cards, cash via PayPal, and more.

Some of the tasks you can do that earn you Swagbucks are:

Web Search

Playing Games




Daily Poll

Special Offers

Watching Swagbucks TV

Mobile Swagbucks TV


Swag Codes

Daily/Weekly/Monthly Goal Bonuses


Earning Swagbucks doesn’t take a lot of time or effort.  You can do as much or as little as you want.  Some days, I barely do anything but still earn Swagbucks.  Other days I’m on the site all the time while I’m watching TV and trying to reach my Daily Goal.

If you work, you can easily still earn Swagbucks on the job or before and after work while watching TV.

If you don’t work, you most certainly can earn bigtime!!!

Some of the ways I have used my Swagbucks are for gift cards to Walmart to offset grocery bills or Christmas Shopping.  I am also working on saving up my Swagbucks right now to cash in for a $25 credit to PayPal – that’ real cash I can put in my savings account!!!

This is not a scam, this is not a get rich quick scheme, this is what I love and what Home Earning Strategies is all about “Real, Honest, Proven Ways to Earn Money from Home.”

I plan to share each of my strategies and ways that I earn Swagbucks in even more detail, step by step in the future, but in the meantime, I just wanted to share the idea of Swagbucks and I highly encourage you to Sign Up for SwagbucksToday.

Oh, I forgot to mention, it’s free, super easy to sign up, and doesn’t require any credit card, or anything.

Thanks Future Home Earners!


Tallying Up – Gotta Start Somewhere

The goal is to earn $2,500 with my home earning strategies by December 31, 2014. However, I have been using various home earning strategies off and on for the last 3 years. So I think I should start by showing what strategies I am currently working with and how much I have earned up until this point so I can start to track how much I earn by the end of the year.

Also note, my husband also has accounts with some of these sites as well, so these are just my stats. We’ve earned about double this if we include his as well. I am hoping that between both our accounts going forward we will reach our goal of $2,500 by 12/31/14.

Results before the Challenge:

(I’ll explain more about each of these strategies in future posts.)


Member Since: 3/13/11

Lifetime Swagbucks Earned as of 9/13/14 – 21,857 = $218.57

Send Earnings

Member Since: Not Sure

Lifetime Cash Earned as of 9/13/14 – $10.66 (no payment yet)

Inbox Dollars

Member Since: Around August 2012

Lifetime Cash Earned as of 9/13/14 – 4 payments totaling $108.93 plus $13.45 (pending payment)

Store Hours

Member Since: 8/6/14

Lifetime Cash Earned as of 9/13/14 –$50.10

Lending Club

Member Since: January 2014

Lifetime Interest Earned as of 9/13/14 –$12.77

Metal Recycling

Previously didn’t track – Approximately $32 made in cash

Extreme Couponing

Too hard to track, will figure something out

Very First Post – Home Earning Strategies

Welcome to my Home Earning Strategies blog. My name is Abby and I have been home earning off and on for at least 3 years now. In the beginning, I was just looking for ways to earn a little extra money and researched ways online. I couldn’t believe how many opportunities there are. I am now focused on really building up a consistent strategy to earn from home so that I can become a stay at home mom and take care of my family. My goal for this blog is to set goals to keep me accountable and share my strategies and exact process with others so you can do the same.

Right now, I work full-time and so does my husband. We don’t have any children yet but will start trying this year. My hope is to start this blog and really building my home earning strategies so that by the time a baby arrives and it’s time to go back to work after maternity leave, I can stay at home and just rely on my husband’s salary and my home earning strategies.

Fingers crossed! I look forward to sharing this home earning journey with you so that you too can earn extra money as well. Post comments, share your feedback and ideas. Let’s do this together.

Thanks Future Home Earners!


What is Home Earning?

I classify home earning as doing things from the comfort of your home that earn or significantly save you money or other forms of currency that are useful (like gift cards).

My home earning strategies consist of:

Extreme Couponing
Rewards Sites – Like Swagbucks, Inbox Dollars, Send Earnings, Hulk Coins, Fusion Cash, etc
Metal Recycling
Peer to Peer Lending
Goals for this Blog:

Earn $2,500 across all home earning strategies between September 2014 and December 2014

Track my progress toward my goal

Explain exactly what I do with my home earning so that you can replicate it

Investigate and review new home earning strategies

Ideas for Future Posts:

Review of each home earning strategy I use and my results

Investigate new ways to make money online and review them

If you have an idea on something you want to hear, let me know.